caps and gowns academic regaliadoctoral tam


Doctoral Regalia including doctoral gowns, tams and academic graduation hoods
for faculty members and students. IN STOCK and Custom Made!

Deluxe Doctoral Gown
Faculty Doctoral Gown
Souvenir Doctoral Gown

phd gown


Order Form for All Doctoral


Tams and Hoods

Part 1 Contact Information:


First name:
Last name:
Email address:


Bill-to address:


State: Zip
Phone number:
Alternate Number:


Ship-to different address:


Company / School Name :
Address (use as many lines as you need - include department, etc.):
State: Zip
Ship-to Phone number:
How would you prefer to be contacted? Phone


PART 2 Gown:


Are you purchasing a doctoral gown?

If yes, then

Quality of gown:
Height of each person receiving regalia:
Weight of each person receiving regalia:


Optional (for Deluxe Gowns Only):


Deluxe gown piping @ +75.00; If so, color:
Deluxe gown velvet color on gown (other than black or Ph.D. blue + $30.00):
Change Color and/or type of Fabric - Please write the color below (if applicable)
Color of fabric (if applicable)


Additional Custom Gown Options for Presidential Gowns:


Add 4th Chevron to each sleeve of gown (Note: fourth chevrons are usually reserved for presidential / chencellor gowns) @ $40.00
Add Velvet Hem with Piping to gown (Note: velvet hems on the bottom of gowns are usually reserved for presidential / chencellor gowns) @ $75.00


PART 3 Hood:


Are you purchasing a doctoral hood?

If yes, then

Quality of Hood:
School and City you graduated from (some universities have several campuses. We need to know which campus you graduated from, as often the colors vary from one to another).

If you know your school colors,
please write them here.
Exact degree (Ph.D., or Doctor of...,) Remember that all Ph.D. holders receive the dark Ph.D blue velvet regardless of the discipline/specialty of their Ph.D. whereas bachelors/masters/doctors (non Ph.D) would receive their degree color.
Velvet Color Hood:

Piping on Hood; If so, color:
(note: if you order a deluxe hood but do not specify a piping color, we will use Old Gold piping)


PART 4 Velvet Tam:


Are you purchasing a doctoral tam?

If yes, then

Sides on model (4, 6 or 8 sided tam):
Tassel (gold silky thread or gold bullion thread):
Head size or cap size:
TAM velvet color (other than black @ $20.00):
Note: If you do not purchase a tam, and would like a mortarboard sent to you at no charge, simply indicate so here. We do not require your head size for mortarboards, as we use a one size fits all elastic cap that tends to fit most people much better than the old "sized" caps. However most faculty members feel more comfortable in a tam, because it is more comfortable on the head, is better looking (more flattering) than mortarboards, and because it helps differentiate faculty members from their students.


PART 5 Payment:


Subtotal $
S/H + Insurance within Continental US: Under $250.00: $12.50 Over $250 Add 5% of total cost $
Total $
Date Needed
Credit Card Number
Card Expiration Date
Name on Card
Security Code on Card  (CID)


PART 6 Special Requests:



SPECIAL REQUESTS, confirmations, etc.

If there is anything different or special about this order (such as optional piping on gown) we need to know about, be sure to let us know.

If you would like us to send you loaners if your regalia will not be ready by the date needed, please indicate here together with your need date.

For example, if your gown and tam was ready (in stock) but your hood needed to be special made, then we would send you your gown and tam and a loaner hood right away and then send your hood as soon as it was ready. This way you would still have what to wear now. Then upon receiving the actual hood, you would return the loaner hood back to us.

There is no charge for loaners provided you return them upon receiving your actual regalia. But we do need you to indicate that you want the loaners and the date needed.

We will contact you if we have questions about your order.

You can either SUBMIT with the above

All information entered will be encrypted and then sent to our secure server for processing

or print and FAX IT to us.

or print and MAIL it to us with a check.

234 9th Street
Braddock, PA 15104

Tel: 412-253-4979
Fax: 412-421-2145


ssl secured site



Academic graduation attire for professors, faculty and students by